Предлагаем скачать аудиозаписи по демоверсии ВПР 2025 по английскому языку для 4-10 классов.

4 класс  / 15 вариантов для подготовки

5 класс / 15 вариантов для подготовки

6 класс

7 класс

8 класс

10 класс

Тексты для аудирования по демоверсии ВПР 2025 сгенерированы на сайте: text-to-speech.online

В задании по аудированию проверяется сформированность умения понимать в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемую информацию. 


4 класс

Hi, mum. This is Jane. I'm at school and I'm going to have a Maths test. I always do my homework, so I think I will get a good mark for the test. After the Maths test, I am going to have an English lesson. I like this subject very much. I think we will learn some new words. The last lesson today is Music. By the way, we have a new teacher. Her name is Anna Smith. I hope we will listen to some wonderful music at the lesson and learn a new song. After the lessons I want to go to the cafe to eat pizza with my classmate Kate. I'll come home at 3 p.m. and I'll do my homework after having lunch. 

5 класс

Dad, it's Alice.
It's four o'clock. I am at the shopping centre now with my classmate Kate. It was a hard day at school because we had an English test so after school Kate and I went to the park. The weather was fine and we walked for half an hour. Guess what! We saw a squirrel. It jumped from one tree to another. I took a photo of it. I'll show you the photo when I come home. At 5 o'clock I must go to see the dentist. I want to make sure that everything is fine with my teeth. Now I want to buy some food for my kitten. It is 4 months old today and tomorrow I must take it to the vet. And Kate wants to buy food for her dog and parrots. What do you want me to buy? Please write me a message. Could you please tell Mum that I'll come home at 6 p.m. and I'll help you to cook dinner. I can cook pizza with cheese and tomatoes. I know that you like it very much. See you soon. 

6 класс

Hello, my name is Aleksei and I send you all my greetings from Sochi. This is a city on the Black Sea. I believe this city is the largest and the best health resort in Russia. I am having a wonderful time with my parents and my brother Tim. On our first day we rented a pedal boat and paddled quite far into the sea. Our boat also had a slide. We were able to slide off into the water. That was fun. Then we went back to the land and bought some ice cream. I ordered my favourite flavours: lemon and chocolate. The next day we were in Sochi Park. This is a large amusement park with many attractions and activities. There is a roller coaster, but also a swing ship and a carousel. My favourite roller coaster was very fast. It had red wheels and brown carriages. Tim was scared and didn't want to drive it at first. But I showed him that it was not dangerous. He tried it and was excited. I hope you are doing well and look forward to seeing you again. See you soon! 

7 класс

Customer: Excuse me.
Shop assistant: Yes sir, how can I help you?
Customer: Can you show me that vase, please?
Shop assistant: Which one? This one next to the teapot?
Customer: No, the vase behind the cups.
Shop assistant: Ah, I see. The red one?
Customer: Yes, please. How much is it?
Shop assistant: $12.
Customer: And the teapot?
Shop assistant: It's $20. If you take both, you can get a 10 percent discount.
Customer: Sounds good. I'll take them. This teapot will be a lovely present for my grandmother
and grandfather.
Shop assistant: Sure. Shall I wrap it?
Customer: Yes, please. And what is the time now?
Shop assistant: It's 3 pm.
Customer: I'd better go now. I have a meeting at half past three.
Shop assistant: Goodbye, sir. And don't forget your umbrella, without it you'll get wet.
Customer: Thank you. Bye! 

8 класс

Welcome to the sports centre "Sport for you". It is situated in Green Street not far from the park. It is open again from next week. There’s a gym, a swimming pool and some sports clubs. There are three football teams-one for girls and two for boys. There is a football competition every month both for boys and girls. You can also play tennis. There also six tennis courts .They’re free from Monday to Friday, but it costs 200 roubles an hour to play tennis on Saturday and Sunday. Every year there are three tennis competitions. The next competition is in June. There is a large new swimming pool where we organise four swimming competitions every year. On weekdays the swimming pool is open from 7 am until 9 pm but it is closed at lunch time from 1 to 2 pm. At weekends it is open all day. It is closed in summer. 

10 класс

Tracy: Jack, you really look unhappy. I thought you’d be thrilled to be here. What’s wrong? You can tell me!
Jack: Never mind, Tracy. It’s just a slight headache, that’s all. I’ll be fine.
Tracy: It seems to me you never feel well when museums are on the schedule. Aren’t you enjoying the exhibition? Just take it easy, relax! After all, it’s your first time visiting the National Museum of American Art.
Jack: I would if I could, believe me. It’s just annoying when you can’t have fun doing something.
Tracy: Fun? You’re kidding, right? Museums are educational establishments for advancing our knowledge. You’re not expected to have fun like at a dog show or a flower exhibition.
Jack: Oh, come on, this is boring! How much longer are we going to stay here?
Tracy: Hang in there. I promise, it’ll get interesting. Look at that lovely portrait, for instance.
Jack: Okay, it’s not bad. It looks like it must be from the 19th century. So, I guess you like realism?
Tracy: Actually, I don’t. But I enjoy looking at the hairstyles and dress designs from the past and they’re best shown in realist paintings. I’m really into fashion, as you know.
Jack: Well, I prefer pictures that are true to life, where every leaf and every flower is depicted exactly as it really is.
Tracy: Like in still life paintings?
Jack: Well, yes. If I have to look at art, I’d rather see that kind of picture.
Tracy: Then look over there, there’s a good one. Flowers in a vase, watermelons, grapes, cherries.
Yum! It makes my mouth water.
Jack: Now that you mention food, I could do with a snack right now. I haven’t had anything to eat since morning and I’m starving.
Tracy: I’m sure there’s a café on the ground floor. Why don’t we get a bite to eat and then return to the gallery?
Jack: Agreed. And if we have to go back, I’d love to see some landscapes. They’re inspiring!
Tracy: Especially the romantic ones. The dramatic contrasts in romantic landscapes are unbelievable. I’m glad you’re finally beginning to feel more enthusiastic about museums.
Jack: I’m afraid you’ve missed the point. The sooner we begin, the sooner we finish. Let’s go eat something.

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