В период с 16 сентября по 8 октября 2024 года пройдут всероссийские проверочные работы для студентов СПО по английскому языку. Образцы ВПР 2024 опубликовал официальный сайт ФИОКО.

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The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is a historic theatre in Moscow, famous for its performances of ballet and operas. The theatre was initially given permission A______. At that time, fires happened frequently, and the building of the Bolshoi B______. Over time, and after the fires that destroyed much of the original building, the theatre was C______ as the Bolshoi Theatre to coincide with the coronation of Tsar Alexander the Second.

The word Bolshoi means “big” in Russian. For many years it was the biggest theatre in Moscow, and it D______ theatres in the world.

The main pride of the Bolshoi is its historic stage. It is here where one can enjoy the luxurious interiors of the tsars’ times and the excellent acoustics. Only a ticket to the historic stage will allow you E______ of the theatre. However, the tickets to the old stage are the most expensive ones.

1) burned down several times
2) to establish theatrical performances in Russia
3) to explore the main building
4) rebuilt and officially opened
5) remains one of the most significant
6) to be built Catherine the Great in 1776

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